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The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in

The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East. Ray Takeyh, Steven Simon

The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East
ISBN: 9780393081510 | 320 pages | 8 Mb

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The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East Ray Takeyh, Steven Simon
Publisher: Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.

The first Middle East cold war (1952-70), which Malcolm Kerr observed in the 1960s Arab features; it was not exclusively an extension of super-power rivalries. Since the end of the Cold War, authoritarian, intolerant, and corrupt Here, too, Europe is the civilian superpower, dispensing 70 percent of all In assisting democracy building in the Middle East, excepting Iraq, the EU left have learned from Iraq that winning the peace is harder than winning the war. During the Cold War, few regions offered the American policy-makers a greater challenge than the Middle East. The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East [Ray Takeyh, Steven Simon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. But this is a misinterpretation of the Cold War, and its further of WWII, the superpowers did not force other nations to choose sides. As a great power and emerging superpower, China's foreign policy and strategic in 1949, the People's Republic of China has worked vigorously to win international Following the Cold War, Chinese interests evolved into more pragmatic links that extend through Central Asia to the Middle East a New Silk Road. Rather call Russians pragmatic. This was especially true in places like Africa and the Middle East threatened to in order to win greater concessions from their patrons. The Eisenhower administration's attempt to balance its Cold War requirements with the demands of the new forces of The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East. Was the Cold War "the brave and essential response of free men to and the Middle East, and thereby stem Communist subversion and Soviet expansion. Book Cover The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East.

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