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Mastering Jenkins book

Mastering Jenkins. Jonathan McAllister

Mastering Jenkins

ISBN: 9781784390891 | 334 pages | 9 Mb

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Mastering Jenkins Jonathan McAllister
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Mastering Jenkins is a book about the Jenkins Continuous Integration Server by Jonathan McAllister, published in 2015 by Packt Publishing. The most overlooked service, and definitely the most important, make sure your track sounds great before it gets to the mastering stage . There has been a lot of buzz around Continuous Delivery practices in recent years. Nov 14, 2014 - 28 min - Uploaded by Doug JenkinsHow to Use a Mastering compressor. I recently needed to make the same update to a large number of Jenkins jobs. The Mastering Continuous Integration with Jenkins course is taught by Jenkins experts from CloudBees partners. Hi, I'll be doing a webinar this Thursday 10am pacific time [1] about security setup in Jenkins. Posted February 11th, 2015 by Chris Jenkins & filed under News. Overview Artifact management solutions such as Artifactory, Origin, or Nexus have circled the DevOps universe for some time now. Mastering Continuous Delivery with Jenkins on Mar 23, 2015 in Oslo, Norway at Praqma. [ANN] Webinar: Mastering Jenkins Security.

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